marți, 5 iulie 2011

Start the morning with simple movements that energize you!

There are some simple yoga exercises that help you start your mornings easier, and to maintain a state of relaxation during the day. Fortunately, each exercise should take no longer than 50 seconds.

espira. Sit on the mat in a relaxed position with legs crossed. Breathe deeply throughyour nose, then your breath for a few seconds and exhale through your mouth then. Do this exercise 3 times.

Neck tone. Do some heat for neck and make a few circles with your head. Stay in the same position as in the previous year. Move your neck slowly in one direction for a fewseconds. Then change direction, with a few other moves.

Balance your body. After the first two exercises try to heat up. Adopt an upright position,with feet together. Let your arms hang. Move your toes and feel the floor. Stretch your arms overhead and then joins them. Keep this position for several seconds.

Relax your back. In this position you will warm up and stretch the shoulders. Start with your hands and knees. Hands should be resting on the exercise mat. Bend and straighten your knees so that your position be in the form of V. Try that in this positionwith the heels touching the floor.

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