marți, 5 iulie 2011

Compulsive eating - a risk for diet

Translates into the need to eat all timplu something.

Compulsive eating is a component of bulimia nervosa and DSM IV is defined asingestion in a certain period of time a quantity of food which is obviously higher than they would eat a most individuals in similar conditions .

Although the type of food consumed during a binge eating episode varies, they usuallyinclude sweets and foods with high caloric content, such as ice cream or cakes. Such an episode of compulsive eating may or may not be integrated and dynamic planning is usually characterized by eating fast food.

Here are some ways to get rid of emotional overeating background:

Do not skip meals. Eating every 4-5 hours throughout the day, you will maintain the concentration of blood sugar at an optimal level and you will not starve, which means you will not overeat.

Keep a diary to write down everything you eat throughout the day, your mood is andwrite down every meal based on a rating system of hunger as the above. If you can keepthis diary will know how to better control the times you eat the merits of stress.

Exercise regularly. Even a 15-20 minute walk will help keep stress levels under controland you will program your mind to make healthier food choices.

Rest. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can increase hunger.

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